What’s [ BeU ] about?

[ BeU ] Happiness.Peace.Freedom.Love&Joy is all about being yourself in every moment of life; about learning to live rather than survive; about being who you want to be and not what others say you should; is about everything that makes you feel passion and motivates you to keep on waking up from your bed everyday.

In my case, I’m a hard worker but making money just to survive and have more stuff is not what moves me. Instead, what moves me is happiness and love, the joy to share moments with the ones around me, the peace a warm sunset makes me feel, the sensation of freedom that riding my bicycle by the lakeshore gives me, the love I can feel for myself and for others no matter if I am loved back or not.

All these things are my Joy, so I have decided to stop the madness and I chose to be JOY. I am hoping that, by sharing images about everything what moves me, can inspire others to keep on living with passion and joy as well.

So, who do you choose to be?

-BeU, by Joy

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